
Coaching + Functional Medicine = Whole Life Health

Do You Ever Feel Invisible?

Yeah. Me too.

It wasn’t long ago when I kept hearing, “You’re perfectly fine” when I wasn’t. 

“We can’t find anything wrong” meant: “You’ll have to wait to get worse for answers.


  • I lived in fear of running out of medications and money, so I opened credit accounts and spent hours on hold or pleading with insurance representatives. Waiting rooms, specialty clinics & infusion centers became regular haunts as I struggled to juggle full-time health issues with my full-time job…

But I still didn’t know what to do.

I felt like an island, and I kept getting WORSE. 

Functional medicine practitioners help people like us. The “complicated” patients who never get better after a million brief doctor visits and countless referrals.


We need more than that.


I know because I’m a licensed NP + functional practitioner.. AND I’m a patient with complex disease. I’m on a mission to help women take back control, turn their health around and cultivate their self-regard after experiencing indifferent treatment in the healthcare system.

We should CHOOSE to see professionals who we like. Ones who listen carefully, help us understand what’s happening, and actually help us to address OUR priorities. We owe it to ourselves & everyone who loves us to demand the care we deserve, insist on the acknowledgment of our reality & start being treated as THE expert on our own bodies – It’s only then that we can get our needs met &  LIVE better.

We don’t fit in a box or follow flow charts. And there is ALWAYS a why.

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