Sick of feeling like crap? 😕
Desperately want to feel better but don’t have enough ENERGY to dive in to the next big project? Can’t even decide on the NEXT best step?
I get it.
There are a million different diets and self-improvement programs, so many people offering advice. Many of them are actually pretty good but…
👉 How do YOU CHOOSE where to spend your limited time & energy? How do YOU get BETTER??
It’s complicated, but you don’t have to get lost in the noise.
One-size-fits-all or quick-fix approaches don’t take YOU into account.
Research suggests that our unique genetic makeup influences our health according to factors like diet, environment and lifestyle.
🧬 Nutrigenetics looks at how we respond to nutrients + environment based on our genes.
🍎 Nutrigenomics explores how foods + environment change how our genes are expressed.
It’s super cool if you ask me… and exciting because we can tailor plans + expectations specifically to YOU.
By working with both nutrigenetics & nutrigenomics, we can develop recommendations that are targeted and specific. We can find answers, understand the big picture and more easily create solutions that work & motivate YOU.
👉 We can actually distill the BEST SCIENCE into simple tasks that nourish, heal and add up to BIG, permanent changes.
Details matter.
Stories matter.
YOU matter