
What is SELF LOVE?

It’s not all bubble baths and chocolate (…but you can totally do those things if it lights you up).


It can look like…


Accepting (and asking for) help.
Saying no to things you don’t want.
Taking care of your body.
Creating space in your mind and your day to BE with yourself.
Noticing & celebrating your efforts.
Letting yourself off the hook.
Allowing yourself comfort and safety.
Doing what YOU want (because you MATTER).
Standing up for what you believe.
Asking for what you want.
Not accepting less than that.
Connecting with people that support you in a genuine way.
…And so much more.


It’s not one size fits all – what does it look like for YOU?


YOUR opinion of yourself is the MOST important when you lay your head on the pillow at night – but for many of us, it’s not so simple to love ourselves…


The more you practice the art of self-love, the better it gets! If you want to learn how to master the skills you need to create a better life – I’d be delighted to help.

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