

You’ve probably heard that stress is bad for your health.

You think:
Yeah, a bubble bath isn’t going to solve MY problems.
I don’t have time for meditation or exercise.

But it’s actual science!

Stress (physical, psychological AND perceived) causes chemical changes in your body.
A little stress is normal. But high levels over extended periods of time isn’t good for you at all.

Here’s why:
Chronic stress causes inflammation, elevated blood sugar, arterial plaquing, higher blood pressure, increased cholesterol and metabolism disturbance and damages your vascular system. Every single part of your body relies on a healthy vascular system for oxygenation, nutrient delivery and detoxification.

It’s not fluff.
Your stress is a real issue when it comes to your health.
And YOU can make an impact on it.
Take this quiz to see if you’re at risk.

Test Your Stress!

The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-4) is a research-validated tool to evaluate your level of stress. Higher scores are correlated w more stress. There are so many tools to decrease stress and improve health. If you’d like some support and resources, let’s connect!

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